Saturday, July 7, 2012

New Avi maker!

Hey guys! Matt just updated the avi maker. It doesn't have any drastic changes, it just has better quality and ergo, it looks more realistic. The face looks so real! Check it out:
Unfortunatly, it has a major glitch. Whatever hair style u pick, that hair style erases the avi as well. I use the "long" hair type and when I draw in clothes on my avi, my whole back and arms are gone:

And As you may see in the pics, theres this weird foot glitch :3 
Well, that is all for now! I will keep you posted on the new avi maker! :)

Water Slides

Hi! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been busy with other games. Today I am gonna tell you how to make water slides and slides in general. 
This is a drop slide. To make this, use the poster maker and erase the poster. Then draw a ladder in grey (two verticle straight lines next to eachother and then draw horizontal lines in between the 2 verticle lines!)
Then at the top of the ladder, add a grey square.
If you're making a water slide, make a blue horizontal line for the water. (If you're making a regular slide, ignore this step!)
Then, put an orange (or whatever color you want your slide to be) diagonal line on each side of the blue/grey line. You are now done with the slide part. Now, if it is a water slide, you must put a safety thing, because the water slides you so fast that you are not gonna stop when the slide is over. So basically, just make another post with a fat horizontal line.
Now you have you slide, but you'll need to make it so where people can climb and ladder and slide down! So if you haven't made an invisible sofa yet, make one and put it on the bottom of the ladder (you cannot put it towards the top of the ladder.) and at the bottom of the slide (again, you can't put the sofa at the top of the slide). Oh, and face the sofas so that they turn you the right way i.e., facing the ladder. You should end up with this :)

When you get the hang of this, you can try making a swirly slide like this!
That's it for now! :) Thanks for reading!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Chit Chat City 2nd Anniversary

Hello Everyone today chit chat city is 2! Matt added decorations in the shopping district city center. Check it out:

Matt also added the car builder for the occasion, as I posted about below. 
Lastly, Matt thanks everyone who helps make chit chat city awesome and thanks everyone who invited their buddies to play here! As he says in his post:
So make sure, some time when you play chit chat city today, scroll down and read this post and check out the shopping district's city center and the car builder! 
That's it for now! Happy 2nd birthday chit chat city!

Car Builder

Hi guys, Metal Rebel here, announcing that matt has now made a car builder! That's Right! You can now build your own car and ride in it! Awesome! You can find it at the object factory in the shopping district:

I made my own car :D

So if you need help on making a car, I suggest, that u make a windsheild, and headlights, those are mandatory to make the car look good. Some cool designs for a car I would think maybe polka dot or a solid color.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

New Coin Symbol (and the future!)

Hi guys I logged on to ccc, to see that the coin symbol was different, instead of gold, it is silver with "c" ingraved in it! Fancy! XP 

Aside from this, I want to tell you guys that I am not gonna add pages showing all my avi and furniture creations but rather, my avi and furn ideas that you can use.
Hopefully in the near future, I wish to set up a community where people can share their ideas with each other, maybe set up an xat chat or something. Also I am looking for enough viewers to start the "shop of the week" and "ccc house of the week pages." Lastly, I would also want to start photo gallery of people's designs that were inspired by the avi and funiturer idea pages.
So please if you read this, comment, make use of the ideas, and if you dont like the ideas, comment saying what the site could do better. I hope this site will grow so we can do tons of fun things :D

Putting Items On Tables

Hey guys, I'm happy to tell you that Matt has now enabled users to put stuff on top of tables.
Check it out:

You can put shop blocks on tables, but however, you cannot put any items on that shop block:
From what I've seen, you can put basically anything on top of a table except for the kitchen supplies, like a sink, counter, oven, or fridge. If you do put them on, they will go on the very edge of the table.
Now I've found a cool thing. Matt made it so that you can put anything on a table, that includes floors. So if you don't like how you table looks, you can put a floor on top of it and change the look of it! check it out:

 Also, try putting the sidewalk floor that made at the ccc mart on top of the table:

Another idea is, make an invisable table by erasing the table in the object maker and put a floor on it, such as a water floor to make the floor look elevated. Also if you put an invisable table on the edge of your house, it will look like its going over the stone sidewalk:


Thursday, June 28, 2012

jacket designs

Hi guys metal rebel here. My latest avi's: jacket prints. I made checkered jacket and striped jacket.

You can add your own print and make ur own cool jacket by:

 1.  selecting the jacket/coat clothing under acessories:

2. Put it on ur avi:

3. Color over the black lines with the same color as your jacket to erase the lines (unless you want them)

4. Add your print and finish the avi.

NOTE: when doing the back side of your avi, make sure you include the back of the jacket:

That's it for now. Please comment on what you made your jackets as by taking a picture of your avi and uploading to OR telling me about it!
Also, so it's not a surprise, I am probaly gonna add a page showing all my avi and furniture designs and probaly change the header and background! :D Cya next time ;)

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Hey guys, I was hanging out with my freinds celeste and yellow24 and we were at celeste's house when she puts up a 3d heart poster:

Now I am first going to teach you how to make things look 3d. Lets start off with making this poster. (You can make it a different color if you'd like)
1. Go to the object factory and open up the poster maker and color the poster yellow
You've got the easy part down! yay! :D now:
2. On the art tool bar on the side, select the heart make it as big as the heart on this poster
3. Then stick it in the middle, but when you put the heart in the middle, hold the heart and drag it SLOWLY toward the right then downward.
Note: This step should be done slowly so tht the edges of the heart show, creating the 3d look!
Once you've grasped this, its time to move on to 3d realistic stuff! From time to time, I will post my 3D ideas, but for now, since were both new to the idea, I'd like to show you guys how to make a fairly simple and loved food: Cheese!
As you may see, this is a triangle, but it looks like cheese.
1. In poster maker, erase the white by clicking anything and making it really big and clicking erase in the bottom left corner and erase the white
2. select the triangle from the shapes in the art tool bar and place it in the middle of the poster
3. Drag the triangle slowly upward

Saturday, April 21, 2012

New Outfits-April 21, 2012

Hey guys, Shilo243 or metal rebel here. I have made some new cute outfits. Check it out:
If you like them visit my shop, open on weekends when im on :D

Friday, April 20, 2012


Hi guys, I love designing stuff on so i thought I'd open up a site that shows my latest designs! :D I hope you like it! I will be posting probaly every weekend with my new designs! I can't wait to start this up :)
My name right now on chitchatcity is metal rebel, I might change it, and if I do I will tell you :) My official, ultimate name is shilo243, all my friends call my shilo :) or some, call me mental ;)
Right now my avatar looks like this:

I forgot to mention... I HAVE A DARK DARK MIND! mwahahahaha!
I made my house a cemetary.
I hate girly attitudes, however girly styles I can handle and will sometimes make girly designs.
Well that's all I can think of to tell you guys. I will start blogging my designs soon! :D